Do not lose your notes with CintaNotes
Today: Pro Version Free ici
CintaNotes offers a free version installable or portable version to take with you on removable media (USB key, SD card …). All your notes are stored in a single database (possible to have it available on your dropbox for example).
Very useful to recover:
- Presentations of your post blogs or forum to publish new articles.
- Bits of HTML / CSS / Javasript …
Cintanotes allows you to take quick notes by copying and pasting (keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F12) from your navigation.
CintaNotes be held available in the system tray near to arise in any of your requests.
To find information in the various notes stored in CintaNotes faster, simply enter a keyword, all other notes will be hidden! Practice quickly to find a note!
By default in English, CintaNotes is also available in French. To do this in CintaNotes, pull down the Options menu and then click Language and French.
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